My Novel (Title Undecided) Ch. 6

Speaking of Jack, my cell phone started buzzing. A good time to warrent the good news. “Hello?”
“Quite a bit actually, I-”
“Whoa now Jack calm down, no need to jump to conclusions.”
“DON’T BULLSHIT ME! Someone who was restrained on the ground close by told me everything! An explination would be much appreciated!”
“Well ok that’s a long story trust me, but anyway-”
“OH I BET IT IS! Now where the fuck are you!”
I started feeling a strong presence. Heavy breathing, loud footsteps eminating from behind me. A loud and angry yell came out. I dropped my phone, turned around, took dead aim for the attacker’s head. He was mire inches out of touching distance and was charging like an steaming bull. I pulled the trigger and jumped to the side, slamming my body into the wall to avoid his tackle. The slug tore into his forehead and caused an explosion of blood to splatter in every which direction. I watched him plummit downwards and slide across the hallway. That really made my day, I’m truly unstoppable you stupid motherfucker. Why are you criminals dumb enough to take on an armed officer? What did you think would happen? Anybody else wanna try thier luck? No? That’s what I thought.
I picked my phone from off the ground,”Sorry about that, you were saying… Jack?”
“I… don’t know what the hell that was… I’m far too afraid to ask.”
“Don’t worry man, it’s under control. I-”
“Yeah no problem, you only killed 3 innocent people today. Good job you fucking demon!”
“Innocent my ass, but anyway I’ve got something you might want to see.” Jack let out a heavy frustrated sigh.
“I don’t know if you realize this but you’re in REALLY DEEP SHIT RIGHT NOW MARK!”
“Yeah when am I ever not, look I’m leaving now so let’s meet up later ok?”
“Alright then mother, if you insist. Seriously, this is big.”
“Whatever you say, where are you?”
“I’m in some abondoned building on-” I suddenly felt a little uneasy, I’m sensing something else in this room. Something much more subtle, it sounded like someone’s breathing. I looked at the courpse on the ground. It can’t be him, he’s clearly dead. “Mark? Hello?”
It felt like someone was breathing down my neck, and I feel I know exactly who it is. I’m guessing she wants her stuff back. “Mark! Mark anwser me!” She was basically standing almost on top of me. I heard a loud click right next to my head, and out of the corner of my eye I see the barrel of a handgun pointed at my head. I was frozen in place. I heard a deep, yet soft voice speak to me,
“Don’t… do anything stupid Mark.”
“Mark are you ok?! Why are you so silent? Mark!” I felt her free hand slide my phone out of my hand.
“Your friend is a little busy right now.”
“Wait, who the hell are you? Where’s Mark?! Hey!-” She hung up the phone and layed it on the ground.
“So… I assume I have something of yours right?”
“How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.”
“Right, that’s not my primary concern right now.”
“Really now, this thing is worth a lot. You sure about that?” My eyes were solely focused on her weapon, waiting for that one sign of hesitation. That one momentary distraction. I cluthed my shotgun in my hands, patiantly waiting.
“Look, I don’t have much time to explain, You are green-lit. You are being hunted by any and every low-life gangbanger in the city.”
“Oh is that so? You mean the same group of people that you work for?” She slid an envelope into my shirt pocket.
“This should anwser some questions, all you need to know right now is I want to help you.” This doesn’t make any sense, I can’t believe I’m hearing this.
“So let me get this straight, you put a gun to my head, tell me that everyone in the city wants me dead, and then expect me to believe that you want to help me? Why exactly should I believe you?”
“First of all, you came after me, and second, if I wanted you dead, I’d just kill you right now.” Fair point I guess. Doesn’t make the situation any more clear.
“Look, I know you have no reason to believe me, but keep this in mind: I know who you are, and I know why you’re here. I know it’s a problem very personal to you, just listen to me. I’m here to help.” I’ve just about had it with this. I stood up, turned around to face her, and aimed my gun point blank at her. She moved not an inch, her face was blank with no emotion. She had the most devious stare I’ve ever seen, so empty, so cold. I’ve never seen anyone with that little fear. It’s kind of surreal.
“If you really want to help, why don’t you tell me who the hell you are?” I finally had a good look at this menace. She honestly looked nothing like what I expected. The only features that stood out to me was the fact that she was shorter than me. Probably no more than 5’5. Her hair was short and as black as the shadows around us. She also had a menacing looking tattoo that covered the entirity of her upper right shoulder. It seemed to have no overall shape or meaning to it. Just a bunch of randomly connected lines and squares. The hand that was holding her gun had a red, fingerless glove on it. Her other hand had nothing on it. Wow, I was scared of you this whole time? Seriously?
“It would take far too long to explain, neither of us are safe here.”
“I’m getting tired of your bullshit nonanwsers! What do you want with me?!” She still had a blank expression, which I couldn’t comprehend. She seems not the least bit intimidated by me. She gave nothing but a blank stare, almost as if I wasn’t even here. That stare was so evil and vicious, it stabs at my very soul. That stare was cold, dead and black, the stare of the most unforgiving cold blooded human beings imagineable. Holy fucking shit.
“Come on Mark, calm down. Don’t be stupid.” There was something about her voice that was…oddly calming. I don’t know whether to be even more scared by that or not. I’m getting very mixed messages.
“I asked you a question! I expect an anwser!” My fear and confusion was starting to cave in on me. I felt my head starting to pound and my hand sweating badly. I felt my body trembling as still stood completly stiff, not moving a muscle.
“You don’t scare me Mark, don’t bother trying.” Sadly this was true, she stood as still as a statue pointing her gun dead center. Never even so much as blinking.
“No?” I cocked my shotgun, “Well you should be.” I felt my voice start to tremble. She still didn’t react, hard to tell if she was even breathing. She just stood and stared, those cold dead eyes. I can’t possibly win this fight, it’s useless to even try. But if she really wants to help me, I guess I should consider… unless that’s what she wants me to do. On the other hand, what other choice do I have honestly?
“You know what, how about we just put the guns away and you can tell me everything. Deal?” I dropped my gun on the floor in a show of trust, hoping it won’t be the dumb mistake that ends up costing my life. She complied and put her gun away in a back pocket.
“You’re not as dumb as you look after all. Good.”
“Well some would say otherwise.”
“I always knew that.”
“How do you even know me?”
“I know a lot, more than you could ever imagine.” The more I looked at her, the more I felt something. Something… strange. Something beyond comprehension let alone explination. There was a serious errieness to that look. Is it sincerity? Is it insanity? Both? Regardless, I guess she truly knows it all. As scary as that is to admit.
“Yeah, clearly. Why exactly are you helping me?”
“In short, you have talents that are useful to us… Hold on, yeah?” She placed 2 fingers in one of her ears.
“Who’s that?” She only held up her index finger on her one gloveless hand. She had a red glove on one hand only. Because why not I guess.
“Alright, you know how many?… Yeah it arrived… Well, not quite. I have other plans… I’ll tell you later.” Other plans? That’s never good to hear. She walked past me over to the body of the crazed man. I knew something was starting to smell. She reached into one of his pockets taking out a wallet.
“So wait, you expect me do what? Kill people? Move shit? What?”
“All I can say is you have to believe me. It’ll all make sense soon enough.”
“You’re serious! You expect me to just be ok with this?”
“Mark, I know this sounds crazy but just so you know… I know more about you than you think.” She walked halfway up the stairs before stopping.
“And just where are you going? You haven’t said anything!”
“If I were you, I really wouldn’t want to stick around here. A little birdie told me 3 fine gentalmen want to ‘chat’ with you. Just a heads up.” I heard a loud siren approching the building from a distance. “I don’t think you’re the only concern either.” I turned to look out the window, a patrol car was coming down the alley. I guess my ride is here.
Without warning, three men weilding handguns stood out in front of Jack’s car, and proceeded to open fire directly on the windshield. A loud scream came from Jack as he opened the driver door trying to make a last ditch defense. I had to act, picking up my gun I broke the window with the stock and acquired my first victum. While 2 were still distracted with Jack, one man heard the window break and looked my direction. He tryed to alert his friends.
“Eh, up there, lo-” My high powered slug tunneled through his jugular vain, causeing everyone else to jump back in fear. “Shit! Up there, second floo-” Loading another shot, my next round tore through the man’s gut forcing him to the floor. His yells of agony scared the shit out the last guy, who started firing wildly in my vauge direction. The bullets bouncing and breaking holes in the ancient bricks of the building. He pulled that trigger as fast as he could with little awareness that he couldn’t hit a damn thing. I loaded my final round took aim, and hit him center mass, right through the heart. His entire body was knocked backwards and he fell like a domino. Meanwhile his gun was still going off in his hand. The alley grew silent, deadly silent. I slowly looked outside, checking for more visitors. All of the attackers were dead…
“Jack?! You ok?” No response, fearing the worst I went down the stairs and back outside.

Published by: Appraxsis

Hello viewer, I'm Appraxsis, but you can call me "Praxsi" for short. I blog about general things that interest me, but mostly video games. I love doing in-depth reviews discussing game mechanics, stories, and giving my subjective opinions about said game. I don't do reviews scores, I only say whether or not I think the game in question has value. But I try to be as objective as one could possibly be. Most of my posts are very long, this is because I tend to discuss a lot at one time. I entertain as best I could so it doesn't feel so long. If you like my work, I highly recommend you follow me on Facebook to stay up to date. I try to blog every day, but if not then I will as often as I can. Fun side note: I am a story-writer, I write spin-off stories based on video game universes. I'm currently working on my first novel right now. If you would like to learn more, contact me on Facebook for more details if you're interested. :)

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